MDI Birds
  • Conflicted Records

    During the preparation of this website we came across a few published MDI area bird records for which we were not able to find adequate, in some cases any, documentation. While some of these might be correct, we decided not to include them, hoping over time such documentation would come to light.

    LeConte’s Sparrow Jun 1968. Published in Birds of Maine (Vickery, P.D. et al, 2020).

    Lazuli Bunting Oct 1974. Published in American Birds 33, 2 and in Birds of Maine (Vickery P.D. et al, 2020)

    Eared Grebe Jan 14, 1973. Published in American Birds 27, 3.  

    Say’s Phoebe Nov 30, 1978. Published in American Birds 33, 2. 

    Brewer’s Blackbird Oct 1, 1981. Published in American Birds 36, 2 and in Birds of Maine (Vickery, P.D. et al, 2020).

    Franklin’s Gull Sep 1, 1993. Published in American Birds 48, 1.

    White-winged Tern Aug 13, 2005. Published in Birds of Maine (Vickery, P.D et al, 2020).