MDI Birds
  • How To Use This Website

    Many of you will know or easily figure out how to move around this website.  If you lack that skill, the following may help. 

    MDIbirds is designed to work with desk top and lap top computers, tablets and smart phones. Most computers still work best with a mouse or track pad. Modern tablets and smart phone use a fingertip to tap or swipe. 

    The Species Accounts are listed alphabetically by first name. Thus, American Bittern is found under the ‘A’s. If you’re not sure of the precise species name, type what you do know into the search bar. If you’re interested in a taxonomic list, you can find one here

    Each species account uses terms to convey specific meanings or concepts. For example ‘Common’, when used to define a bird’s abundance, has specific numeric parameters. All such terms are defined in the Glossary. In the species accounts, these terms appear in blue, underlined text. Click or tap on these words and the definitions will display. Tap or click anywhere on the page and the definitions will vanish. A ‘Glossary’ word that is not blue and underlined has its standard meaning. 

    There are other links in the species accounts which connect to external sources of information, specifically the Maine Bird Records Committee (MEBRC) and the bird vocalizations website, Xeno-Canto. Clicking on these links will take you away from the MDIbirds website.  To return, click the back arrow on your device. 

    The ‘Miscellany’ section is where we mention things we found interesting.  These comments are not necessarily related to MDI/ANP area distribution and abundance.  

    Some species accounts have a Google map on which one or more locations are shown with a pin. These pins are derived from the exact GPS coordinates, which are also listed, along with the location name, below the map. To move around the map on a desktop and laptop computer, click on the map, hold the click, then move the mouse or your finger on a trackpad to move around the map.  To move around the map on a tablet or smart phone, place and keep two fingers on the screen and move your hand. 

    If you need to make the map bigger or smaller, you can use the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols, typically at the lower right hand corner of the map.  On tablets and smart phones, you can also increase the map size by tapping on the screen. 

    You can get driving directions (to places with roads) by using standard navigation apps that come with all at least relatively modern cell phones and tablets, and typing the provided GPS coordinates into the ‘Destination” box or "Search" bar.

    Finally, These species accounts have no illustrations. For those seeking illustration, we recommend the latest version of Sibley Guide to Eastern Birds both as a print and digital book reference, and Merlin Bird ID App, with the 'US and Canada: Continent Bird Pack' installed, for photographic illustration.

    Rev. 6/6/22