MDI Birds
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    Black-bellied Whistling-Duck / Dendrocygn autumnalis

    Wanderer: May 27-30, 2013 , six birds initially on Long Pond moving the next day to the MDI High School Ponds.

    Miscellany: In recent years, occasional small groups of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks have wandered, presumably from their North American breeding range in Texas, Louisiana, S.W. Arkansas and peninsular Florida, north and east to the upper Midwest and New England. In several instances what appears to be the same group of birds were seen in multiple states over the course of several months.

    One of the MDI birds died of unknown causes; the specimen is in the Colby College collection.

    Last Updated: May 31st, 2022


    1. 1. MDI High School Ponds 44.373462, -68.303740