MDI Birds
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    Black Tern / Chlidonias niger

    : late May-early Jun and again mid Jul-late Aug. mid Jun-early Jul with all reports from the Bar Harbor whalewatch vessels or from observers at the Petit Manan Island and Ship Island tern colonies. There is one record from 'mainland' MDI, Thompson's Island Sep 15, 2022.

    Miscellany: Black Terns nest in large freshwater marshes, with a few scattered small colonies in interior Maine. In recent years, if only occasionally, single birds and the occasional pair have summered in offshore bird colonies such as Petit Manan Island. No actual nesting has been confirmed. Although most North American Black Terns breed deep in the interior of the continent, they winter offshore, sometimes far offshore, in the Caribbean Sea and the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

    Last Updated: September 20th, 2022


    1. 1. Petit Manan Island 44.367064353203, -67.865525513775
    2. 2. Ship Island 44.233969, -68.441370