MDI Birds
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    Boreal Chickadee / Poecile hudsonicus

    : Formerly a scarce on MDI and Schoodic but the last confirmed breeding was 1991.

    : late Oct/early Nov to mid/late Mar. When present, rarely visit feeders preferring spruce/fir woods as found on Otter Point, the Wonderland Trail and Bass Harbor Head.

    Miscellany: Boreal Chickadee is one of a set of northern species that periodically move south of their normal winter range, sometimes in modest numbers, presumably due to food shortages. These irruptions used to be an every few years feature of our winter bird landscape but in Boreal Chickadee's case, there hasn't been a major one since the 1980s. Since 1990 none has been recorded on MDI CBC (once count week) and only three times on the Schoodic CBC.

    Last Updated: June 26th, 2022


    1. 1. Otter Point 44.308417, -68.191367
    2. 2. Bass Harbor Head 44.222736, -68.336195
    3. 3. Wonderland Trail 44.233678, -68.319814