MDI Birds
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    Canada Goose / Branta canadensis

    : but . Breeds Apr-Jul, especially in salt marshes with adults and goslings detected at Babson Creek Preserve, Bass Harbor Marsh, and the MDI High School Ponds. After salt marshes are frozen, Canadas move to protected salt water especially around settlements

    : but late Mar-early May, with a late April peak and to late May, and again late Sep-early Nov, with a mid/late Oct peak and to late Dec/early Jan. has the largest concentrations.

    Miscellany: Although their status as a wilderness icon has been tarnished by birds littering the parks and golf courses throughout the U.S., the calls of a high flying flock on their way south from the Arctic is still a thrilling wilderness sound.

    In recent years there have been a few reports of Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii), a smaller and largely midwestern and western version of Canada Goose that was given full species status in 2004. None of these reports have sufficiently convincing details but the species should be kept in mind.

    Last Updated: December 9th, 2023


    1. 1. Mount Desert Narrows 44.426120, -68.365795
    2. 2. MDI High School Ponds 44.373462, -68.303740
    3. 3. Bass Harbor Marsh 44.254172, -68.340379
    4. 4. Babson Creek Preserve 44.373753, -68.330411