MDI Birds
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    Cape May Warbler / Setophaga tigrina

    : early/mid May-early Jun and again mid-Aug to mid/late Sept with to late Oct, in places where migrants gather.

    : Dec 12, 2020 at Seawall, probably best considered an ultra-late and probably ill-fated migrant.

    Miscellany: Cape May Warbler populations move in tandem with major spruce budworm outbreaks. The 1970s to early/mid 1990s spanned the last big infestation and Cape Mays were regular, even locally common, breeders here during that period, but there have been no confirmed breeding records since. At present there's an uptick in spruce budworm in Quebec and Atlantic Canada which may mean more migrant Cape Mays but not necessarily more breeding Cape Mays as these outbreaks seem to be moving north and may no longer include our area.

    Last Updated: June 1st, 2022