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    Cedar Waxwing / Bombycilla cedrorum

    : Breeds. to everywhere except in large tracts of dense forest, with a preference for towns and open areas with scattered trees and shrubs.

    : to mid/late May to early Jun and again late Aug to mid Oct with lingerers to mid Nov.

    : and late Nov-early May, sometimes present in modest numbers, occasionally in the company of Bohemian Waxwings. Wandering individuals and flocks can show up anytime.

    Miscellany: In spring Cedar Waxwings seem to become conspicuous when they swarm to blooming apple trees in late May. Breeding is delayed until Jul/Aug as they feed their young predominantly on sugary fruits most abundant in late summer.

    You can learn more about Cedar Waxwings and see images here.

    Last Updated: September 27th, 2022