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    Chestnut-sided Warbler / Setophaga pensylvanica

    : Breeds. mid May-late Jul in early successional deciduous growth especially along forest and field edges, alder swales, and the borders fresh water marshes. Sieur de Monts, the Alder Trail at Schoodic Point and the Cape Road in Tremont support breeding pairs.

    : and in deciduous and mixed woodlands and where migrants concentrate mid/late May to early Jun with from late Apr, and again mid/late Aug to mid Sep with to early Oct.

    Miscellany: Chestnut-sided Warbler is one of the few long-distance migrants that has benefited from human activity. It was rarely if ever reported by early 19th century naturalists, and Audubon is said never to have seen one. Land clearing and subsequent second growth created the environment preferred by the species and it expanded accordingly.

    Last Updated: June 1st, 2022


    1. 1. Schoodic Point 44.332627, -68.059814
    2. 2. Cape Road 44.283008252301, -68.408904075623
    3. 3. Sieur de Monts 44.364333, -68.207333