MDI Birds
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    Chipping Sparrow / Spizella passerina

    : Breeds. late Apr-late July breeder especially in towns and villages but also in open areas around rural homes.

    : mid Apr-mid May, with from late Mar and a peak early May, and early Aug-late Oct with a peak early/mid Oct, often in large flocks, and to mid Nov. Prefers weedy fields, open woodlands, roadside edges, and places where migrants concentrate.

    : Dec 1979-Mar 1980 in Seal Harbor, Feb 12, 2015 in Southwest Harbor and Feb 5, 2023 in Bar Harbor. There are a number of additional records but possible confusion with American Tree Sparrow muddies the picture.

    Miscellany: The Chipping Sparrow that overwintered in Seal Harbor managed in part by roosting at night in a barn on a waterpipe wrapped with a heat tape.

    Last Updated: February 6th, 2023