MDI Birds
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    Great Cormorant / Phalacrocorax carbo

    : Breeds. and Apr-Jul. Small numbers breed on a few islands near Isle au Haut. Jun-mid Sep usually immatures on ledges at the outermost parts of Frenchman Bay and Blue Hills Bay and the .

    : to migrant late Sep-early Nov with early birds often in flocks of Double-crested Cormorants. Few data about spring movements but presumably mid Mar-mid Apr.

    : to mid Nov-mid Mar in outer Frenchman Bay and Blue Hill Bay and the . to during the same period in the

    Miscellany: Great Cormorant is a variable and nearly cosmopolitan species. The famous cormorants used by Japanese fisherman are this species.

    Last Updated: June 2nd, 2022


    1. 1. Mount Desert Narrows 44.426120, -68.365795
    2. 2. Isle au Haut 44.055192, -68.621139