MDI Birds
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    Indigo Bunting / Passerina cyanea

    : Possibly breeder late May-early Aug on the edges of brushy fields and along power line cuts but no confirmed records.

    : Complex. to and early-late Apr, when they often appear at birdfeeders, and to mid May-early Jun. mid Sep-mid Oct with to mid Nov. In weedy fields and open areas and places where migrants concentrate.

    Miscellany: Indigo Bunting is one of a small group of ‘southern' species - Summer Tanager and Blue Grosbeak are two others - which regularly ride strong early spring southwesterly airflows to ‘overshoot' their breeding range leading to a cluster of local records in April. Indigos were more common in the aftermath of the 1947 fire when brushy open areas were common in the northeast part of MDI. Those areas are now mostly filled in with forest.

    Last Updated: April 27th, 2022