MDI Birds
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    Least Bittern / Ixobrychus exilis

    : No breeding records. A pair with nest, eggs and young was found in a small fresh water marsh near Bass Harbor Marsh Jun 8-Jul 16, 2001. Another pair was detected in Beaver Dam Pond marsh 1968-1975 with nest and eggs discovered in both 1968 and 1969. The species may have nested in the mid-late 1990s in the marshes at Aunt Betty's Pond where heard Jul 24, 1994 and again Jul 10, 1999.

    : . Found dead in Otter Creek, Sep 23, 1981 and caught and banded on Mount Desert Rock Aug 27, 1985. Except in such extreme circumstances migrants, if any, and waifs likely to pass through undetected.

    Miscellany: We're at the very northeastern edge of Least Bittern's range.

    Last Updated: June 13th, 2022


    1. 1. Beaver Dam Pond 44.361150, -68.195335
    2. 2. Bass Harbor Marsh 44.254172, -68.340379
    3. 3. Aunt Betty's Pond 44.370566, -68.274195