MDI Birds
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    Northern Goshawk / Accipiter gentilis

    : and inconspicuous in extensively forested areas. Nesting has been confirmed recently on the slopes of the Western Mountain and in the Kittredge Brook Preserve. Infrequently seen in .

    : Status in spring uncertain. late Sep-late Oct with from late Aug to mid Nov. A very few are recorded most years from the Cadillac Mountain Hawkwatch.

    Miscellany: Every so often, a pair of these large, fierce birds nests along one of the Acadia National Park trails and after a few hikers have been dive-bombed or struck, the trail is closed until the birds are finished nesting. In Seal Harbor in the late 1970s/early 1980s two young Northern Goshawks were killed flying into windows while pursuing Ruffed Grouse, which were also window killed. The windows survived.

    Last Updated: March 28th, 2022


    1. 1. Western Mountain 44.304113, -68.371090
    2. 2. Cadillac Mountain Hawkwatch 44.353147, -68.226166
    3. 3. Kittredge Brook Preserve 44.414015, -68.297253