MDI Birds
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    Pied-billed Grebe / Podilymbus podiceps

    : No breeding records since the 1970s. We're at the northeastern edge of the species' breeding range and mostly lack the sizable marsh-fringed fresh water ponds they prefer. Still, Aunt Betty's Pond, Witch Hole Pond, Beaver Dam Pond and Seal Cove Pond seem suitable.

    : early Apr-late May and again mid Sep-late Nov with from mid Aug and to early Jan in ponds and marshes as noted above. on brackish or salt water but could occur especially in years of an early fresh water freeze up.

    Miscellany: Breeding Pied-billed Grebes can be skulking but their song, perhaps most frequently given in early morning and late afternoon, is loud and far-carrying. Listen here.

    Last Updated: April 28th, 2022


    1. 1. Seal Cove Pond 44.299757, -68.396862
    2. 2. Beaver Dam Pond 44.361150, -68.195335
    3. 3. Witch Hole Pond 44.400069, -68.242473