MDI Birds
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    Red-winged Blackbird / Agelaius phoeniceus

    : Breeds. from early-mid Apr in the open fresh and brackish water marshes with emergent vegetations such as the south end of Seal Cove Pond, the Schooner Head Road marshes, and Marshall Brook Marsh.

    : in small flocks mid Mar-late Apr with from late Feb/early Mar, and again late Sep-mid Nov with from mid Aug and to early Dec. Prefers wetlands but visits farms and bird feeders as well.

    : mid Dec-mid Feb, usually at bird feeders.

    Miscellany: The spring arrival dates for Red-wings and other blackbirds varies considerably depending on weather. After late Feb, the first stretch of ‘warm' southerly winds will usually bring the first Red-wings, Brown-headed Cowbirds, and Common Grackles, typically adult males in all species, which head to the nearest bird feeders.

    Last Updated: June 5th, 2022


    1. 1. Schooner Head Road Marshes 44.347021, -68.181995
    2. 2. Seal Cove Pond 44.299757, -68.396862
    3. 3. Marshall Brook Marsh 44.284330, -68.351172