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    Semipalmated Sandpiper / Calidris pusilla

    : mid May-mid Jun on the mainland and on the . to mid Jul-mid Sep with from early Jul and to early Nov favoring mud flats and mussel bars. Note that the similar Western Sandpiper (C. mauri) has not been recorded here.

    Miscellany: The migration period of many sandpipers, plovers and their allies is short in the spring as they power through to their breeding grounds, and long in the fall as the adults leave the nesting grounds two to four weeks before the young and the latter's departure is spread out. Most of the Semipalmated's that pass through our area in fall subsequently make very long over-the-water flights to their wintering grounds, mostly in northeastern South America.

    You can learn more about Semipalmated Sandpipers and see images here.

    Last Updated: October 13th, 2022