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    Short-billed Dowitcher / Limnodromus griseus

    : mid May-early Jun with from early May, and mid Jul-mid Sep with peak late Jul-mid Aug and from late Jun and to early Nov. Feeding birds almost exclusively on mudflats of which we have few but resting birds could be in salt marshes or along any saltwater shoreline perhaps especially on . Passage is mostly high overhead and/or .

    Miscellany: Short-bills are one of the earliest fall migrants with records of southbound birds in the last week of Jun. Adult females leave first after laying eggs and helping with their incubation, but have nothing to do with post hatching duties. They are likely the birds heard overhead on a late June night, bringing with them a bittersweet sense that summer is over almost before it's begun.

    Last Updated: June 6th, 2022