MDI Birds
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    Short-eared Owl / Asio flammeus

    : Four records - Jan 11, 1969 at Otter Point, Nov 18, 1973 in the Sunken Heath, Oct 23, 2015 near the top of Sargent Mountain, and Oct 15, 2018 at Schoodic Point. There are two late Dec/early Jan records, possibly correct but without documentation, from area Christmas Birds Counts, 1975 from Schoodic and 1990 from MDI.

    From late Feb-early Apr 2021, two Short-eared Owls were seen just outside our area at the Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton.

    Miscellany: Short-ears are one of the world's most widely distributed owls but here they're scarce, presumably because to tarry they require an abundance of rodents and the open meadows and marshes, of which we have few, that make their prey catchable.

    Last Updated: April 28th, 2022


    1. 1. Sargent Mountain 44.343125, -68.275221
    2. 2. Otter Point 44.308417, -68.191367
    3. 3. Schoodic Point 44.332627, -68.059814