MDI Birds
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    Snow Bunting / Plectrophenax nivalis

    : in mostly small flocks late Oct-early Dec in open areas including fields, mountain tops and shorelines. to in the same habitats early-late Mar with to mid Apr. May 9, 2021 and May 1, 2022 on Cadillac Mountain.

    : mid Dec-early Mar in same habitats as above.

    Miscellany: Snow Bunting males return in early Apr to their still bitterly cold and snow covered high arctic breeding ground to claim coveted rock crevice breeding sites. Their mates arrive a month to month and a half later. These sites protect the nest from aerial predators but they're so cold the female has to incubate the eggs almost continuously so the male feeds her until the eggs hatch.

    Last Updated: June 6th, 2022