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    Snowy Egret / Egretta thula

    : but increasing mid Apr-mid Sep with from late March and to early Oct. Most reports are from salt and brackish marshes especially those around Thompson's Island, Northeast Creek, Bass Harbor Marsh and Lopaus Point. Our birds presumably are from the burgeoning breeding populations in the Northeast including southern Maine.

    Miscellany: In the late 19th century, breeding plumes of Snowy Egret were the most sought-after decorations for women's hats bringing a price per ounce twice that of gold.

    Last Updated: March 30th, 2022


    1. 1. Northeast Creek 44.419131, -68.306941
    2. 2. Bass Harbor Marsh 44.254172, -68.340379
    3. 3. Lopaus Point 44.235770, -68.362063