MDI Birds
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    Solitary Sandpiper / Tringa solitaria

    : and usually solitary early-late May with from early Apr, and again late Jul-late Sep with a peak mid Aug-early Sep and to mid Oct. Prefers fresh water wet areas including flooded fields, drainage ditches, muddy pond margins and stream edges. The MDI High School ponds and the Lopaus Point marsh often support a migrant or two.

    Miscellany: Solitaries are very unusual shorebirds in that they nest in trees, taking over old nests of jays and other songbirds. Although no nests have yet been found, it's possible that a few pairs breed in the forested regions of northwestern Maine.

    Last Updated: April 28th, 2022


    1. 1. MDI High School Ponds 44.373462, -68.303740
    2. 2. Lopaus Point 44.235770, -68.362063
    3. 3. Hamilton Pond 44.428901, -68.288547