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    Tennessee Warbler / Leiothlypis peregrine

    : Singing males that show up occasionally late Jun-late Jul for a few days to a week and then disappear are thought to be birds dispersing from distant breeding areas.

    : mid May-mid Jun in tall deciduous trees where most would pass undetected were it not for their loud, stuttering song. Listen here. mid Aug-late Sep with peak mid/late Aug and to early Nov, in deciduous woods and where migrants concentrate.

    Miscellany: Tennessee Warbler is a spruce budworm specialist and its numbers fluctuate depending on the scope of budworm outbreaks. Breeding numbers were known to increase 10-fold during the course of a major outbreak. Tennessees were a fairly common breeder here in the late 20th century when there were budworm outbreaks but with the absence of local budworm outbreaks since then, recent nesting has not been confirmed.

    Last Updated: May 24th, 2022