MDI Birds
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    Thick-billed Murre / Uria lomvia

    : . May-Sep usually in waters between Baker's Island and Great Cranberry Island, and Mount Desert Rock. These lingerers typically retain their winter plumage.

    : late Oct-late Mar along the with from mid Oct and to late Apr. Occasionally easterly storms bring weakened individuals into protected coves and harbors. Most murres close to shore have been Thick-billed but that may change with the increasing number of birds summering at Petit Manan Island and elsewhere in the western Gulf of Maine.

    Miscellany: Thick-billed Murres regularly dive to depths of 300 feet and have been caught in nets set at 600 feet. Their single chick leaves its far northern cliff nest site when only a quarter grown and flightless, and swims offshore with its father who provides food for up to eight weeks.

    Last Updated: June 6th, 2022


    1. 1. Mount Desert Rock 43.968708, -68.127782