MDI Birds
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    Tree Swallow / Tachycineta bicolor

    : Breeds. and mid Apr-late Jul in open areas, usually fairly close to fresh water. The fields around the Crooked Road/Norway Drive intersection support a few pairs, usually in nest boxes.

    : and widespread early Apr-mid May with a peak late Apr and from late Mar, and again mid Aug-mid Sep with a peak late Aug and to late Sep.

    Miscellany: The first warm spell in early Apr often brings the first male Tree Swallows. These early males hope to claim the best territories. Holes suitable for nesting are in short supply and males in possession of a ‘good one’ are favored by the later arriving females. However occasionally these unseasonal warm spells are followed by extended cold, rainy periods and high mortality among the early arriving males. High risk, high reward…

    Last Updated: June 6th, 2022