MDI Birds
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    Turkey Vulture / Cathartes aura

    : Breeds. to and conspicuous especially in the northern half of MDI late Mar-mid Oct with from late Feb and to late Nov. No Turkey Vulture nests have been found but young birds have been seen in flight in early Aug, well before the commencement of their fall migration.

    : Dec-mid Feb but multiple records 2018-2023 suggest a increase. More likely in years with little or no snow.

    Miscellany: Turkey Vultures first appeared in the early 1970s and since then have slowly but steadily increased. They probably breed but not surprisingly no nest has been found as they're solitary and secretive with hard to find nest sites often in woodlands in hollow downed logs, abandoned buildings, under big boulders or on rocky ledges. Turkey Vultures have the ability to detect minute quantities of at least some of the chemicals given off by decaying flesh so in addition to road kills they can locate carcasses in the deep woods.

    You can learn more about Turkey Vultures and see images here.

    Last Updated: February 15th, 2023