MDI Birds
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    Upland Sandpiper / Bartramia longicauda

    : early-mid May with from late Apr and to mid Jun in the pastures and fields with the most record Apr 21-22, 2016 in Bar Harbor. They're probably equally (un)likely on our barren mountain tops or islands, the most Jun 11-12, 2022 on Great Cranberry Island. Sep 18, 2011 in the Babson Creek Preserve.

    : Nov 30-Dec 12, 1995 on a lawn in Hull's Cove when it should have been in southern South America.

    Miscellany: Upland Sandpiper lives in short grasslands over most of its range but also occupies habitats that have some of the same attributes such as eastern Maine's blueberry barrens where a small breeding population exists.

    Last Updated: June 28th, 2022