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    Varied Thrush / Ixoreus naevius

    : Feb 14-25, 1967 and Feb 10-18, 1968 in Bar Harbor, Dec 1969-Apr 1, 1970 in Salisbury Cove, Apr 8, 1974 on Isle au Haut, Apr 1, 2016 in Tremont, and Nov 14-16, 2020 in Bar Harbor. The 1967 and 1968 birds could be the same individual.

    Miscellany: For a bird whose breeding population is almost entirely in states or provinces that border on the Pacific Ocean, the stunning Varied Thrush is remarkably regular in New England and Atlantic Canada with records, mostly males, every year and multiple records most years. They typically show up at bird feeders after the snow and cold sets in.

    Last Updated: June 6th, 2022