MDI Birds
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    Winter Wren / Troglodytes hiemalis

    : Breeds. and late Apr-early Sep in mature spruce-fir and mixed woodlands especially those with downed, uprooted trees.

    : and widespread but skulking mid Apr-early May with from late Mar, and again late Sep-late Oct with from early Sep and to late Nov.

    Winters: in woodlands Dec-Feb, especially in winters with little snow, and most recently Jan 13, 2023. Occasionally visits suet feeders.

    Miscellany: The tiny Winter Wren creeps around mouse-like near the ground in brush piles and woody tangles. It's inconspicuous except late Apr-late Jun when breeding males pour out a sometimes extraordinarily loud, long and musical song, often from the tree tops. It's one of the summer spruce-fir woods best sounds. Listen here.

    As our part of coastal Maine warms, Winter Wren, along with fellow late fall migrants such as Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Fox Sparrow, may become more frequently reported Dec-Feb.

    Last Updated: February 7th, 2023