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    Wood Duck / Aix sponsa

    : Breeds. but inconspicuous in woodland ponds and beaver flowages with birds lingering well into October at places like Witch Hole Pond.

    : from early Apr on ponds with marshy margins, with from mid Mar depending on fresh water ice cover. mid Sep-mid Oct around the margins of marshy ponds, with from late Aug and to early Nov. on/over salt water.

    Winters: early Dec-late Jan on open fresh/brackish water often associated with other ducks where waterfowl are fed. Most birds are males.

    Miscellany: Wood Ducks are admirably adapted to their forest homes with slim bodies, large eyes and long tails (for a duck), all useful in rapidly flight weaving around tree trunks and limbs. Nests are typically in naturally occurring tree cavities including abandoned Pileated Woodpecker nest holes, but they also use nest boxes.

    Last Updated: June 6th, 2022


    1. 1. Witch Hole Pond 44.400069, -68.242473