MDI Birds
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    Yellow-crowned Night Heron / Nyctanassa violacea

    : early May-mid Jun: May 2, 1986 in Bass Harbor Marsh and Jun 12, 2019 in Hull's Cove, both adults. mid Jul-late Sep along salt water including the , as part of the species' post breeding dispersal. Some have remained for multiple weeks. Has bred in southern Maine but birds here might have travelled much further. All juveniles except for an adult Jul 11, 2022 on Great Cranberry Island. Almost annual in the last decade.

    Miscellany: Yellow-crowned Night Herons are crab specialists. If Green Crabs continue to spread north and east along the Maine coast, we may be seeing more of these herons.

    Last Updated: July 13th, 2022


    1. 1. Bass Harbor Marsh 44.254172, -68.340379